Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Quick Update

Hi Everyone!

I hope you guys are all just as excited as we are about this movie!!! I just want to give you all a super quick update. Our team members are all over the world. We are all in different times zones, making it hard to communicate all at once. Hopefully this weekend, the entire team will be meeting and we will be able to give you a detailed answer to all of your questions. I (Alicia) am new to this team so I have many of the same questions you guys are all having. WE WILL ADDRESS THEM ALL! Please just remember that most of us have school, work, hobbies, and a ton of other things going on. A lot of the girls I am working with have exams also so wish them luck : ) Everyone will have their questions answered soon though. Until then, keep spreading the word on social media and invite all your friends to this event.

Share your promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ06s1lQHbg
Follow us on Twitter @MovieForBieber @BelieberTrendin @BieberOfficer @TwerkinOnJustin @alicia_tamboia @Justinsmainhoe @PotentialBieber @HonouringJustin @SparklyBiebs @shannonuncut @perfbiebrauhl @UKBieberLicious
xoxo - A

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Alisha Tailor, 14 years old and i would really like to be apart of this movie. I am very good at English in GCSE so i would be good at writing things up.. i want to be a journalist when I'm older so i think this could really help me - a dream come true for my career but also to write about my idol! i would really appreciate a reply if possible and i am very happy to help with anything. thanks, Alisha from Leicestershire, UK
