Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Check out @HeyItsRemi

This has to be one of my most favorite posts I’ve blogged about on all my blogs. As you know @HeyItsRemi has partnered up with the YDKB movie. Check out her post about the movie here. I personally, am an avid follower of her blog. 

A few weeks back she posted something EVERYONE needs to read about, “How YOU Can Get Involved and Give Back to Make A Wish!”. I am all about giving back and getting involved any way I can and that’s what this post discusses. I’ll leave all the awesome details for you to read about on her site. 

ALSO, she’s teamed up with LUVFootwear, discussed in the same post. LUVFootwear is donating money from each sale and allowing Remi to design a Justin related pair of shoes if 500 pairs are sold by Sept 1st. Check out all the details on her blog AND BUY SOME SHOES! Maybe we will giveaway a pair? hmmmm....Oh did I forget to mention she gives AWESOME updates on Justin? Another reason to check out her out.

- YDKB Team

Monday, July 8, 2013

Want to be a part of a book for Justin?

So we just posted about the M&G contest. We understand that it is geographically frustrating sometimes when Justin doesn't come around as often to your area. We want to include you though! When Alicia meets Justin she is going to provide him with a book of screenshots with twitter names for all of those who help #giveback. Read about the #giveback part here: http://tmblr.co/ZEthAyp7Oc4E . If you decide to participate please label your email "#giveback". 

- YDKB Team 

Hartford Meet & Greet Contest

How was the weekend? It was SOOOOOOOOOO hot in New York. I enjoyed every minute of it. 

So if you guys haven't heard, one of our team members has teamed up with @justincrew to give away a VIP meet and greet pass to the show on July 18th in Hartford, CT. All the contest details are listed here: http://tmblr.co/ZEthAyp7Oc4E . 

We will also be attending 6 other Believe tour dates. We have some shirts to give away. If you're attending any of these shows come find us! July 17, July 18, July 20, July 30, July 31, Aug 2 and Aug 3. Hope to see you guys there! 

- YDKB Team 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Ideas, ideas, ideas!

All you Americans out there - how was your 4th of July???
Canadians, what about Canada Day the other day???
Anyone do anything exciting? If so, comment below and tell us what you did! We love hearing from you guys and what you're up to.

Soooooooo...........the amount of things we have planned for you guys in the next few weeks is SO EXCITING! The team has been hard at work to make this an awesome experience for you guys, and the ideas just keep flowing. We want to hear your ideas as well. There are going to be 2 ways you guys can submit your ideas: 1 contact your representative 2 email us atinfo@youdontknowbeliebersthemovie.comwith the below information:

Name of people organizing the event:
When the event will take place (dates):
Where the event will take place:
Purpose of the event (please keep this 5-10 sentences):
Ways the event will be promoted (ex: FB page, Twitter, so on) and links:
Any additional comments you would like to include about the event (please keep this short and sweet):


#OperationSpamScooter is taking place. This will begin 1PM GMT (8AM EST). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us : )

- YDKB Team

Thursday, July 4, 2013

ALL representatives - please read!

Hi everyone,

This post is just something we need to get done and figured this would be the easiest/quickest way to do so. If you have been chosen as a representative (check the official list here) we need to ensure we have all of your contact information correct. Please fill out the following information & email it to info@youdontknowbeliebersthemovie.com  

Please title your email "Representative Information"
First name:
First letter of last name:
Area you represent:
Email address:
Any additinoal information you feel we might need:

Also, if your country does not have a rep and you would like to be one please email or tweet us at:

- YDKB Team

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Newsletter July 1st-6th

Did you miss us?

Hey Guys!

So we will do our absolute best to blog/vlog each day to give you guys updates. Hopefully we will address any questions you may have here. If you don't see your question answered here or on our FAQs page drop us a comment below or email us at info@youdontknowbeliebersthemovie.com.

First off, we've chosen a good number of representatives already. Check them out here! One of our crew members, Sophie, talks a little more in depth in this video about the reps.

Next, Alicia from our team has an extra M&G for Hartford, CT. Be sure to be following @JustinCrew to get the latest updates on that contest. Lots more contests to come!

Lastly, be sure you are following us on all social media!
Twitter: @movieforbieber
Insta: @ydkbthemovie
Tumblr: youdontknowbeliebersthemovie
YouTube: youdontknowbeliebers
Facebook: youdontknowbeliebersthemovie

- YDKB Team

Friday, April 12, 2013

THANK YOU ALL!!! ***info on entries***

The team cannot even begin to explain how exciting this is. You guys have #youdontknowbeliebersthemovie trending world wide for 8 hours, and at number one for almost 4 hours! THANK YOU ALL!! Also, Fredo tweeted the movie! You should all be so proud. We couldn't have done it without you.

With that said, this project has grown HUGE in the last 24 hours. You guys are filling our inbox faster than we can read/file away entries. If you are getting an error message stating that the mailbox is full, please email your entires to the following: youdontknowbeliebersthemovie@gmail.com.

Also, NO ONE IS BEING CUT OUT! These are rumors. If you do not hear it from the team, it is not true. So pleas read the FAQs page. All the info you need is on there.

The deadline for the first task has been reached but there will be more very soon. So please just be patient while we catch up with everything. We will be back on track by the end of the weekend.

Again, thank you all so much. We love you all : )

- YDKB crew xoxo

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What is this movie?

So we decided to try and get a trend today, and getting Number 1 is something we NEVER expected. We want to thank all of you for your amazing words, and spreading the trend around, because without you guys, this wouldn't be possible. We just want to make a quick post, giving a general overview of the movie, and answering some questions.

Yes, this movie is legit. We have been making this since November 2012, and the plan has been with the creator - Shaniqua - since 2010. However, this isn't a huge blockbuster movie that will be featured in all theaters. This movie is something we've created just to give everyone an idea of Beliebers in real life. We've been hated so much, we get trolls making up things, even the press, and most of it is just a minority letting us down. Now we want to put the story straight, and this is how we'll do it.

No, we're not all 9 year olds talking about how amazing Jerry is. The teams ages range from 14-23. Anyone can take part. We're going to highlight a huge range of things. This is like how Justin has saved our lives, his music, watching his YouTube videos, friends we've made ect. 

Again, anyone can take part. Age, race, height, gender, nationality and anything else doesn't matter. As long as you're a Belieber, you can join in.

We want this to be the best fun for everyone. We don't want people to hate us for this, and we don't want you to be embarrassed. But, please, trust us because we're trying our best to make this movie the most legit, nicest, funniest, amazingest (not a word but oh well) thing in the World. 

All the proceeds will be going towards curing ATRT - which is what Avalanna battled with before we unfortunately lost her. This isn't for our benefit, we're doing this to help others, and what better way than to put our point across whilst doing so? 

We hope you can join, and we want you to know that this is legit. Thank you. We love you.

- The YDKB Team.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The weekend is coming!

I just checked my phone and there are currently 100 unread messages in the movie inbox. Again, I work full-time, other girls are in school, other girls are sleeping because it's 2AM where they are. Everyone will be answered by tomorrow afternoon, if not by the end of today. We understand that it's annoying waiting for a response, but as we've stated many times before no one is being cut out! Your entry simply gives us your basic info, a way to get in contact with you, and a geographic idea of how many people are in each region. Just because you haven't received an email doesn't mean we do not want you. Just means we haven't reviewed it yet. Also for the people that applied on the blog please also email us if you have not.

APRIL 11TH!!! For any of you that aren't part of our FB event, on April 11th we are going to try our best to trend #CONTACTyoudontknowbeliebers . I'll post the details on here when the time gets closer. Getting this to trend is a HUGE step in the right direction and we want to make it happen.

If you haven't checked out the Believe Ticket Project on Twitter, please do. One of our team members, Ines, helps out with this. It's an awesome project that gives away Believe tickets to deserving fans. I actually just went on Twitter and saw she's helping out another project promote. This girl is great and wants to help everyone - go follow her on Twitter @WawBeliebers.

I am running a half marathon in June. I am trying to raise as much money as possible for AT/RT (for Avalanna) so if you would like to donate or help me promote this please send an email to info@youdontknowbeliebersthemovie.com subject "1/2 Marathon".

A few people have reached out to us about volunteer work they are doing. We will work on updating the website to help them promote their causes. If you have an idea for a fundraiser or charity work, leave a comment below. We would love to help.

- YDKB Team

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A new way to go about this.

We will blog to the best of our ability to give you updates. First, we need to discuss something real quick.

So, you all have a lot of questions. WE UNDERSTAND! But please, please, please do not get annoyed with us. There are only 11 of us and we are scattered across the world. Just so you guys get an idea of the work load that the 11 of us are trying to handle right now...
· We have hundreds (if not a thousand) entry forms to sort through - currently 75 unread entry forms have come over in the last 3 hours
· We can't communicate that easily - we are in different time zones so for us all to discuss something is not as easy as you may think so sometimes we may need to wait a few hours until we hear from one another.
· We are promoting nonstop meaning that Twitter, emails, social networking are taking up a large portion of our time right now. There can’t be a movie if no one knows about it right?!? PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE (yes you reading this, go on Twitter right now and tweet J )
· We have to file, edit, organize pics, videos, meet ups, any and everything you can imagine to ensure everything stays on track to be completed on time.
· We are trying to live our daily lives on top of this project. Some of us have school, work full-time, have prior engagements (CHECK OUT SHANNON’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!
Those are just some of the things we are working on this week, and we are just getting started. The amount this project has grown is incredible and we are beyond excited to have so many people being a part of this wonderful experience. #BELIEBERFAMILY

While the website does have newsletters and event information, we will try our best to give you a daily update. BEFORE SPAMMING US, PLEASE READ TO MAKE SURE YOUR QUESTION IS NOT ALREADY ANSWERED! I cannot stress enough how difficult it is to manage hundreds of emails, documents, and entries on top of answering all of your questions. Most of the questions we are receiving right now have been already answered on the website. Honestly, we are already receiving hate for not being able to answer emails in the time you want. We are trying our best, I promise you that. We want this to move along just as quickly as you do. With that said I'd like to address a few common questions:
1.      NO ONE IS BEING CUT OUT - This is addressed on the website but I would like to address it again since it is constantly being asked. We are going to incorporate every person who enters in some way.
2.      If you do not receive an answer to your email in 2 days, email us again. Please do not SPAM us on Twitter or with DMs. We are not intentionally ignoring anyone, we might have just overlooked your email by accident.
3.      To get involved, fill out the answers to the questions and email them to us. "Entry Form" at the type of this blog.
4.      We are not looking for new team members but that does not mean we do not want your help. Off the top of my head I know there are people who have entered from India, Portugal, and Canada. None of our team members are located there. We would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you been a representative for your area. If you are interested please email info@youdontknowbeliebersthemovie.com with the subject "Team Representative"
5.      Before asking "What do I have to do?" PLEASE read the website. The current task is listed there.
With that all being said, let's discuss the status of the movie. Right now all we are asking from you is to do the following: send us any concert footage or pics - anything you have that might be useful for the movie. We will keep this stuff on file. The "Current Task" is to film yourself and your reaction to Justin's first YouTube video as if it was the first time you were watching it. The deadline for this is April 12th. Please note that you do not need to do every task - you may participant in as many or as few as you would like. The length of this video does not matter. We will be editing everything on our own. Tonight, all the 70+ entries we have received in the last few hours will be responded to. For now, just sit tight and PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE. Follow us all on twitter. Think we can get #youdontknowbeliebersthemovie trending? I think we should give it a try tomorrow. Tweet all day. RT everyone. Let's get Justin's team to notice what we are doing here.

Love ya all!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Entry submissions for 'You Don't Know Beliebers - The Movie'


To: entries@youdontknowbeliebersthemovie.com

Subject: You Don't Know Beliebers - Submission.

1.       Please specify - tell us - what camera you have. (EG. Canon, Nikon, Sony ect):

2.       i - Have you attended any concerts of Justin’s? If so, when and did you record it?:          
ii - Are you attending any concerts of Justin’s? If so, when and will you record it?: 

3.       Have you ever buyout, Bieber Parade attended a ect? Are you going in the future?:

4.       What are some things you will be willing to talk about in this movie?:

5.       Do you have any friends that you could film with? (Doesn’t matter if you don’t!):

6.       Can you travel to meet-ups? (These will be within your country/state!): 

7.       Do you have any school/work commitments? Please specify in FULL:

8.       Would you consider different roles as well as being featured? (EG. Narrator, Editor, In a group) If so, which one and why?: 

9.       Would you consider being a representative for your state/area? (This includes a lot of work which we will be happy for you to help us with):

10.   Any further idea’s/comments:

NOTE: Please add your answer next to the question, as it's easier for us to look over and check in a quicker amount of time. Thank you.

- The YDKB Team.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Quick Update

Hi Everyone!

I hope you guys are all just as excited as we are about this movie!!! I just want to give you all a super quick update. Our team members are all over the world. We are all in different times zones, making it hard to communicate all at once. Hopefully this weekend, the entire team will be meeting and we will be able to give you a detailed answer to all of your questions. I (Alicia) am new to this team so I have many of the same questions you guys are all having. WE WILL ADDRESS THEM ALL! Please just remember that most of us have school, work, hobbies, and a ton of other things going on. A lot of the girls I am working with have exams also so wish them luck : ) Everyone will have their questions answered soon though. Until then, keep spreading the word on social media and invite all your friends to this event.

Share your promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ06s1lQHbg
Follow us on Twitter @MovieForBieber @BelieberTrendin @BieberOfficer @TwerkinOnJustin @alicia_tamboia @Justinsmainhoe @PotentialBieber @HonouringJustin @SparklyBiebs @shannonuncut @perfbiebrauhl @UKBieberLicious
xoxo - A

Monday, March 25, 2013

About Us

  • You Don't Know Beliebers is and will be something the world has never experienced before. We will take you to a whole new world, the world of Beliebers. Each day regular people or other fan bases see tweets,videos, pictures,news etc, but do they know what being a Belieber really is? Do they know how much dedication and work it actually takes? You Don't Know Beliebers will take you right inside the lives of Beliebers WORLD WIDE. You will see the side of Beliebers that you've never seen before. We will take you behind the scenes of Beliebers, one of the worlds biggest fandoms, and you'll experience EVERYTHING with us. All of the ups and downs- we will show you that we're not just some odd
    teenagers. We are way more than that.

    Throughout the film, we will need Beliebers (AKA YOU!) doing these things and lots more!
    - Talking about your experience as a Belieber (How it all started, what it consist(ed)s of, what if feels like, the pressure - JUST EVERYTHING)
    - Talking about your Bieber experience (Meeting/getting noticed etc by Justin or the crew OR going to a concert. How it all started, what led up to this event, how you made it happen, how you felt etc)
    - Talking about Bieber events you took part in (Bieber Parades etc- good quality videos will be welcome of Bieber Parades!)
    - Talking about what Justin really and deeply inside means to you (How he changed and/or influenced your life, how he makes you feel[does he make you cry? do you feel so proud you can't deal? and anything else like that!)
    - Talking about how you made friends because of Justin, how you converted haters etc.
    - Talking about 'fake' Beliebers.
    - Talking about the hate.
    - Expressing all your feelings, letting them flow out.
    - Shit us Beliebers do/say.

    Basically anything to do with being a Belieber, everything we experience in our everyday lives will be covered in this movie. The above are just some of our suggestions, there's just so much and we can't write them all down! All ideas are welcome, so feel free to share them!

    This film will be BIG and is one of the biggest projects out there. We are just regular people who have come together with a goal in common - show the world who we, BELIEBERS, are. The film will be like any other film, and it will be around 2 hours long. It will be made to a good standard (we have someone on our team who works with film everyday) with professional editing programs. It will obviously not be like the films you see in the cinema because we're just regular girls and we don't have access to proper professional cameras, editing software etc. We will use our webcams and cameras with quite professional editing softwares, just not as advanced. THIS EVENT IS LASTING AS LONG AS IT NEEDS TO IN ORDER TO BE A SUCCESS!

    In order to be succesfful though, we need your help. Spread the word. Tweet #YOUDONTKNOWBELIEBERSMOVIE. Share your promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ06s1lQHbg . Follow us on Twitter @MovieForBieber @BelieberTrendin .

    Please keep in mind that there are a bunch of us from all over the world working on this. We all live our own lives and even live in different times zones. Many of us are in school and are busy outside of this project. If you are looking to get in contact with us, see the contact info below. Please keep check back to this blog to see if any updates have been posted here as well. 

    Marta @BieberOfficer

    Reannah @TwerkinOnJustin

    Alicia @alicia_tamboia

    Emily @Justinsmainhoe

    Shaniqua @PotentialBieber

    Sophie @HonouringJustin

Mai @SparklyBiebs





Much love,
YouDontKnowBeliebers Team